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Image is an altered version of Sound Translation #2.
Artist’s note: “A series of sound translations + evocations from a soundwalk performed by the artist at an undisclosed location in November of 2022. The following pages can be considered as a collection of maps to be employed as guides for your own sound walks, interpreted how you see fit.”
Page 1
Translations + Evocations
Front Cover
For my final project for CTCH201 - Introduction to Sound Art, I created a handmade book, titled Translations + Evocations.
The book is made up of 15 5.5” x 8.5” pages of digital prints on cream-coloured cardstock and hand bound with matching thread. The spine of the book has been reinforced with an olive-coloured strip of cardstock.
The pages of this book were created in response to a soundwalk I preformed alone, in a location that holds great significance to me. I carried a notebook with me during the walk and made a number of notations documenting the sonic experience. The evocations range from somatic sensations
Sound Translations:
Front & Back Cover, Pages 2, 9, 10, 13
For my sound translations, I combined elements from my notations to create visual compositions. The textural and rhythmic marks and organic spatial shapes were re-drawn on black cardstock and melded together with pencil crayon and acrylic paint. After making the two initial sound translations (page 9-10), I altered the images in photoshop, layering them over themselves and each other to create pages 2, 13, and the front and back cover.
Notation Maps:
Pages 2,6,7
The notation maps (pages 3,6,7) are all direct recreations of the notations I made during my sound walk. Legends for these maps were added in afterwards, indicating the types of evocations that have been documented. The types of evocations that can be found on the notations are: Memory, Spatial, Texture, Rhythm, and Imagery.
Pages 4,5,8,11,12
The rest of the pages are what I would call “expansions”. Pages 4,5,8 are scaled up versions of some of the imagery from my notations. Pages 11 and 12 are alternate methods of sound translation. The markmaking on page 11 was done through attempts at mimicking the sounds I was hearing on the walk through the sound of the pencil on paper. Page 12 compiles the text from the notations, which is a mix of sounds written phonetically as well as onomatopoeia and adjectives that describe their rhythmic and tonal qualities.