Divisions (2020)

shane crerar | alixx davidson | maggie dixon | dan holbrow

four artists have come together to bridge the social divide and reflect on isolation

An object is defined in the universe is divided into two categories: that which is a part of the object, and that which is not. The object's boundary is thus constitutive of both that object and the rest of the world. This exhibition asks how the gallery walls effectively create a unity of disparate objects (an "exhibition"). The wall, which abuts the gallery wall and subdivides the gallery space, thus seeks to bring the division between exhibition and not-exhibition into the space, making it the subject of the exhibition. The theme -- "divisions" -- unites the work of the artists in a single installation and set of concerns, but the various ways in which the artists address that theme subdivides the objects within it into products of each artist's peculiar habitus (in the sociological sense). In doing so, demonstrates the co-constitutive division between producer and product of artistic works, which are shown to be simply traces of the interaction of the divisions between the artists and the world they inhabit, but which nonetheless contains them all in a broader kind of unity: that of being together in the uni-verse.

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Lady Dave's Display of Decay