Translations + Evocations (2022)
Translations + Evocations (2022)
Handbound art book.
Notations from a solo soundwalk performed by the artist in November of 2022 were traced in photoshop. The markmaking, textures, and imagery from the notations were used to create two compositions (Sound Translation #1, Sound Translation #2) from which further images were derived (Sound Map #1, #2, cover, back cover). The original sound translations were done with pencil crayon and acrylic paint before being manipulated in photoshop to create the final compositions.
The notations and compositions are an attempt to translate the experience of sound and all that it evokes into a 2-D medium. Within these pages are attempts to draw and describe sound, to mimic sound with the writing utensil, and capture the internal associations evoked by the sounds. The soundwalk was performed in a location of significance in the artists life, but specifics have been purposefully withheld in order for the translations to be the primary means of communication. This project was done in response to a workshop by Angus Tarnawsky, Walking and Listening (Together and Apart): Collective Soundwalking from a Distance at the GLASS: Listening as a Shared and Social Practice conference in October 2022.